Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Ultimate Secrets Revealed - How to Make Money Online

I bet you have you heard this hundreds of times about how to make money online or something on the lines of Marketing Guru Releases never revealed strategies to make money online?
If you are like me, these headlines are a dime a dozen, emptying out your pockets for a bunch of fallacies.
The truth of the matter is that there is no secret to make money online!
Let me explain; I have been making money online, building over a one and a half million dollar a year business, by myself over the years. Every technique and strategy I used to make money over the years are the same strategies you need to apply today if you wish to be successful!
Sure, some things have changed over the years, such as blogging and advanced programming offering better capabilities; however the same basic steps to make money have not changed. Without taking a few basic steps, you are wasting time.
First, you need to decide on a product or service to offer potential customers. One important item to stress here, make it something you are familiar with such as a hobby. If you are knowledgeable on the product or service, it will be much easier to develop a website, write articles, updates... You also want to do some homework as to the needs of your idea. You can check some latest searched phrases databases, to see what phrases related to your product or service are hot or not. Read through discussion forums related to you topic. Find what questions others are asking, and then ask yourself, does my product or service answer or help?
If you need a domain name it should be one relevant to your product or service, as well as short, or an easy to remember two or three word phrase. For instance, one place you can register a domain name is Order Your Domain, This is an easy to remember domain name, as well as descriptive to what the website has to offer.
Third, you need a web host. Basically it helps to know what you need a head of time. First do you have knowledge of HTML or have someone in mind to build your site? If the answer is no, then you want a SiteBuilder type application. If you are or have someone knowledgeable in HTML, then you should consider a FTP access account. Will you need a secure server for your merchant account or sensitive information you will be collecting from your customers?
Your website should be designed with sales in mind. In other words you want to steer your customer from the landing page, to the checkout on your site. Do not make a bunch of pages with links that will confuse your potential customers. Take them from point "A" to point "B" to credit card processing!
Fourth, get an unlimited email auto responder. This is another very important step. No matter what you sell, you will want to build at least one subscription mailing list. This list can be used as a free weekly newsletter, new products or specials added... After signing up with a number of unlimited auto responder companies, one that I found to be the best and use currently is Aweber. Not only are there easy to use tools, full of instructions and articles, but the delivery percentage was superior as well.
You can easily setup a multiple of auto replies set out at different intervals that you setup. At the same time you can broadcast to your existing list whenever you like, offering specials, weekly newsletter...
Fifth, you need to market your product and or service. There are many ways to accomplish this from free to PPC (pay per click). Again some of the best techniques are still the ones used for years to make money on the internet.
I am only going to list a couple of my best marketing solutions...
First of all, utilize your unlimited auto responder. If you do not use this wisely, you are missing out on sales! Secondly, make yourself the expert in your field. Remember when I stated at the beginning to choose something to sell related to a topic you already know, perhaps a hobby you are passionate about? This is where it comes into play, displaying your sincere passion.
Visit some discussion forums related to your topic. Try to answer questions posted by others being sure to leave a link back to your website in the signature file of your reply post. Be sure to also only post useful information when helping others. Remember, others will read the thread as well; hence you are off to becoming a known expert in the category!
Write articles pertaining to your category, ones that can help others. Leave a link or two to your website throughout the article. Also leave a link and short description in your signature file. Post your article to an article database and set syndication to yes if given the opportunity.
Another fast way to begin generating web traffic is to use a PPC service such as Google or Yahoo can offer. You select the keyword phrases you wish to be listed under, how much you are willing to pay per click and away you go. One word of caution, this can become an expensive route, so be sure you are not spending too much by trying some test listings, setting daily expenses to a low number.
Good Luck in Your Online Success!

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